Posluzi.me are digital pricelists in the cloud available by scanning QR code.

Posluzi.me is our own pricelist solution for bars, restaurants and festivals. We have built the whole solution from scratch – from idea & market research, over product design & development to putting it on the market.

Kinana is a luxury beauty center which practices oriental beauty techniques.

We created its visual identity from scratch, including the logo, flyers & mobile-friendly web page that looks equally good on every device, regardless of size or brand.

Kotli is a small village in the heart of Istria.

We redesigned the old website to follow modern guidelines of web development and design. The website is available on a few different languages and it includes booking management system which is automatically synced with OTT apps (Airbnb, Booking, E-Domizil)

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Posluzi.me are digital pricelists in the cloud available by scanning QR code.

Posluzi.me is our own pricelist solution for bars, restaurants and festivals. We have built the whole solution from scratch – from idea & market research, over product design & development to putting it on the market.

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